Lieutenant-Governor C.P. Radhakrishnan Discusses Puducherry’s Development with PM Modi and HM Shah

June 24, 2024, New Delhi — With an emphasis on Puducherry’s growth, Lieutenant-Governor C.P. Radhakrishnan recently held significant discussions with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. These exchanges are noteworthy because they go into particular plans and tactics for the advancement of the union area.

Mr. Radhakrishnan paid the Prime Minister a visit on Saturday and gave him his sincere congratulations on Mr. Modi’s election to a third term as the nation’s leader. They talked about a number of projects that are meant to support Puducherry’s healthcare, education, and infrastructure. The Lieutenant-Governor underscored the importance of inclusivity and sustainable growth, in line with the goals of the national government.

Mr. Radhakrishnan met with Home Minister Amit Shah the next day. They discussed social welfare initiatives, economic stability, and security measures. In order to immediately address urgent challenges, the Lieutenant-Governor emphasized the significance of efficient collaboration between the union territory and the federal administration.

After taking office in March, Mr. Radhakrishnan currently serves as both the lieutenant governor of Puducherry and the governor of Telangana. His initiative and dedication to teamwork established a good example for regional governance.

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