Breaking: Nandini Milk Prices Surge! What You Need to Know

In Karnataka, the price of Nandini milk has increased by Rs 2 per litre.

Consumers throughout the state would be impacted by the price increase for Nandini milk that was announced by the Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF). With effect from June 26, 2024, a litre of Nandini milk will now set you back Rs 44. But there’s more to this than just a simple increase—there’s a fascinating twist.

What’s Not the Same?

For the price increase, the KMF chose to provide customers an additional 50 milliliters of milk. Therefore, the 1-litre packages will provide 1.05 litres, while the 500 ml milk packs will now contain 550 ml.
The most expensive milk sachets will be Santrupti, which costs Rs 57 per litre, and Samruddhi, which costs Rs 53 per liter. At Rs 43 per litre, double-toned milk is still the least expensive.

Dispute and Setting

In less than a year, this is the second price increase. The KMF increased the price by Rs 3 per litre back in July 2023.

It’s interesting to note that the KMF requested a raise of Rs 5, while the State Government only approved a hike of Rs 3. The last raise was met with unhappiness from dairy farmers, so this new move is unexpected.

KMF Chairman Bhima Naik justified the action, pointing out that the additional 50 ml in each sachet was responsible for Rs 2 of the price rise.

In comparison to neighboring states, Karnataka’s milk costs are still competitive despite the increase.

In summary, Nandini milk drinkers will now get a little extra in their packets, but the controversy surrounding the price adjustment continues. 🥛💰

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