Reversing a Staff Termination Decision: Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)

More than 100 contractual employees, including both teaching and non-teaching personnel, were abruptly fired by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), however this action has now been reversed. These workers were hired as part of Tata Education Trust (TET)-funded initiatives. Many were left in a hazardous situation as a result of the termination, which occurred due to non-release of monies.

However, the TISS leadership has retreated in response to harsh criticism from teachers and students. Now, the TET has promised to provide funding for these project/program employees’ salaries. The Tata Education Trust has approved a total of Rs 4.79 crore in funds, guaranteeing that wages would be paid on time.

The impacted staff members were distressed by the abrupt termination because they had no warning or other options. Now that they have the guarantee of funding, they may carry on with their work at TISS. The institute intends to handle staffing needs in the future by making frequent hires that have been authorized by the UGC.

This episode emphasizes how crucial it is for educational institutions to have both open lines of communication and sound finances. It also emphasizes how important it is to have long-term financing sources to support campus staff members who are not instructors.

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